Simple Spotify Web Api Tutorial


Spotify's Web API provides developers with a powerful set of tools to interact with the music streaming service programmatically. In this tutorial, we'll explore the basics of setting up and utilizing Spotify's Web API using Golang, a versatile programming language. We'll also delve into the Gorilla/Mux library, a popular router and dispatcher for building robust web applications in Golang.


Before we begin, ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:
Golang: Visit Golang for installation instructions.
A Spotify Developer Account: Create one at Spotify.

Setting up Spotify Web Api

1. Create the Spotify App:
  • Log in to your Spotify Developer Dashboard.
  • Create a new app to obtain the client ID and client secret.
  • 2. Obtain the API Credentials:
  • After creating the app, note down the client ID and client secret.
  • Set the Redirect URI in the app settings (e.g., http://localhost:8080/callback).
  • 3. Authentication Flows:
  • Implement the Authorization Code Flow to obtain an access token.
  • Exchange the authorization code for an access token using Golang's net/http package.
  • Using Gorilla/Mux for Routing:

    1. Install Gorilla/Mux:
  • Open your terminal and run:
  • go get -u

    2. Create a Simple Server:
  • Set up a basic Golang server using Gorilla/Mux:
       package main
       import (
       func main() {
          spotifyAuthenticator.SetAuthInfo(clientID, clientSecret)
          router := mux.NewRouter()
          // Define your routes here
          http.Handle("/", r)
          fmt.Println("Server is listening on :8080")
          http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
    Using the clientID and clientSecret retrieved from Spotify, we are able to establish a connection. Next, we're going to retrieve the access token that will be used to access Spotify's API.
     client, err := spotifyAuthenticator.Token(state, r)
    After establishing a connection, we're in! Now we can get some data from Spotify via Go wrapper

    Handle Spotify API Requests:

    3. Get Spotify ID.
    Now that we've established a connection with Spotify's API, you can start playing around with the API. Let's do a simple one such as getting your playlists.
    Firstly, we need to get your Spotify ID. We can do a simply get CurrentUser()
       client, _ := client.CurrentUser()
       userId := client.ID 
    Once retrieving userID, getting your playlist is just a simple
       client, _ := client.GetPlaylistForUser(userId)


    That's all for the simple Spotify API! You can refer to my github repo for more indepth look on how I've used Spotify's Web API to create a playlist from a random genre!